Maximizing Intervention Effectiveness

题目:Maximizing Intervention Effectiveness

主讲人:Rongqing Han, Ph. D. Student, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, U.S.A.

时间:2018年7月4日(周三) 上午10:00-11:30




Frequently, policymakers seek to roll out an intervention previously proven effective in a research study, perhaps subject to resource constraints. However, since different subpopulations may respond differently to the same treatment, there is no a priori guarantee that the intervention will be as effective in the targeted population as it was in the study. How then should policymakers target individuals to maximize intervention effectiveness? We propose a novel robust optimization approach that leverages evidence typically available in a published study. Our approach is tractable – real-world instances are easily optimized in minutes with off-the-shelf software – and flexible enough to accommodate a variety of resource and fairness constraints. We compare our approach with current practice by proving performance guarantees for both approaches, which emphasize their structural differences. We also prove an intuitive interpretation of our model in terms of regularization, penalizing differences in the demographic distribution between targeted individuals and the study population. Although the precise penalty depends on the choice of uncertainty set, we show that for special cases we can recover classical penalties from the covariate matching literature on causal inference. Finally, using real data from a large teaching hospital, we compare our approach to common practice in the particular context of reducing emergency department utilization by Medicaid patients through case management. We find that our approach can offer significant benefits over common practice, particularly when the heterogeneity in patient response to the treatment is large.


Brian Rongqing Han is a fourth year Ph. D. student at the department of Data Sciences and Operations, Marshall  School of Business, University of Southern California. His research interests include data-driven robust optimization, empirical operations management with application in retail operations and e-commerce operations.
