EMBA “New Normality, New Business Ecology” Series Lectures: Facing the Second “30-Year” Industry-Finance Innovation

On November 15th, the first event of the EMBA “New Normality, New Business Ecology” series lectures was held in successfully. The topic was “Facing the Second “30-Year” Industry-Finance Innovation”. Prof. Yan Yu from COB, SUFE, and Mr. Zhigang Wang, CEO of Classic Luxury Sweets, and Mr. Jiang Zhu, CEO of Make.V Media, who are both part-time instructors at SUFE EMBA program, offered the lecture jointly. Professor Yuding Luo, Associate Dean of COB and Academic Director of the EMBA program, addressed a welcome speech and hosted the lecture. 

Prof. Yan Yu from COB, SUFE

Mr. Zhigang Wang, CEO of Classic Luxury Sweets

Mr. Jiang Zhu, CEO of Make