An acdemic delegation from the School of Management at Ocean University of China visited our school

An academic delegation from the School of Management at Ocean University of China visited Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The delegation includes  the Party Secretary of the School, Wang Zhenglin, Vice Secretary and Vice Dean Qiao Baogang, Vice Dean Li Zhigang, Director of the Department of Accounting, Fang Qiaoling, Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism, Liu Jia. Furthermore, Office Director He Shufang, and Party Affairs Officer and Deputy Director of the Party Office Qi Feng were with the delegation team. The Chair of COB Council at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Xue Liping, COB Associate Executive Dean Wei Hang, Vice Chair of COB Council Liu Bingyong warmly greeted the delegation members. In addition, Vice Dean Dong Jing, Deputy Director of the China Industrial Development Research Institute Yu Dianfan, and Administrative Office Director Zhang Lili welcomed them.


Xue Liping,Chair of COB council warmly welcomed the delegation on behalf of the School of Management of Ocean University of China and expressed her optimism that both sides could promote the high-quality of business education through mutual exchanges and learning.

Wei Hang,Executive Dean of COB, introduced the history, vision, department structure, talent cultivation, scientific research, faculty members , and internationalization of the College of Business to the visiting scholars.

Wang Zhenglin, the Party Secretary of the School of the Management of the Ocean University of China, expressed his gratitude by the warm reception and introduced the basic situation of the school. He offered an introduction of the progress of the "Three-Whole Education" initiative, and the goals of this research.

Subsequently, both sides had in-depth exchanges on administrative management system and operation mechanism, MBA program operation and management. They also exchanged views on measures to improve the quality of graduate education, faculty management evaluation and assessment system, experience in constructing "one-stop" student community, innovation and entrepreneurship talent cultivation mode, international certification, and related aspects.

The School of Management of Ocean University of China was established in 1986. Over the years, adhering to the educational philosophy of "professionalism, erudition, practicality, and applicability," and through continuous accumulation and development, it has transformed into a research and teaching-oriented school with a high level of discipline, strong faculty. The school achieved also  high level of teaching and research, and outstanding advantages in discipline development, which has a significant influence in China. This visit  deepened the understanding between two sides in talent cultivation, education and teaching management.