A delegation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School visited SUFE COB

On May 24th, Professor Zhang Huimin, Vice Dean of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School, visited the School of Business and graced it engaging  in discussions regarding the cultivation of business talents. Among the attendees,  Professor Dong Jing, Associate Professor Jiang Bo, Director of the MIB Program Wu Yunzhen, Project Manager Gauss Da for the Master's and Doctoral Programs were notable scholars. Furthermore, Career Development Office representative Ge Man, Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office representative Hu Kunli, and Teacher Liu Zhangyan attended the program.


The exchange session was divided into two parts: a faculty discussion and a student discussion. During the faculty discussion, both of the sides presented their respective historical development, academic disciplines, enrollment scale, talent cultivation, and employment trends. They also engaged in multifaceted discussions regarding the internationalization of talent cultivation in business schools highlighting current macroeconomic factors such as the China-US trade war, global economic fluctuations, ESG considerations, and the development of artificial intelligence. Various issues  explored, including internationalization concerns, models of education, and talent demands, leading to numerous consensuses.

During the student discussion segment, 16 student representatives actively participated in the exchange and deliberations. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong's international platform presented development opportunities. Discussions encompassed social and cultural aspects, curriculum design, knowledge structures, and career development., The students' international perspectives were broadened through engaging in interactive question-and-answer sessions. Likewise, their developmental planning awareness was reinforced, and their enthusiasm for learning was ignited.

This exchange program has further deepened the mutual understanding between both parties in terms of talent cultivation, educational instruction, and career advancement. It has laid a solid foundation of mutual inspiration and collaboration, enabling both sides to harmoniously learn and work together.