COB Associate Dean He Xiaogang



Strategic management and organizational behavior, Corporate governance, and Competitiveness of private owned enterprises


He Xiaogang, doctor in management, is a chair professor and doctoral supervisor in the College of  Business at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He is an associate dean for scientific research, and a member of the Faculty Committee of the Business College. He got the management  (enterprise management) doctor’s degree in 2004 from Sun Yat-sen University(SYSU). He was respectively engaged in research and collaborative research at the University of Illinois and Boston College from August 2008 to August 2009 and from November 2016 to November 2017. And he was selected as the Twilight scholar of Shanghai in 2007, “Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University” for Ministry of Education in 2008, and the chief expert of “Innovation Team Support Program for Shanghai University of Finance and Economics” in 2016. In addition, he obtained the qualification of Certified Public Accountant of China in 1998.

Dr. He has long been committed to strategic management and organizational behavior, corporate governance, and competitiveness of private owned enterprises. He has published 5 monographs and 127 academic papers in journals such as Journal of Family Business Strategy, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Small Business Management, Information Technology for Development, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Economic Research Journal, Management World, Journal of Management Sciences in China, China Industrial Economics, Journal of Finance and Economics, Nankai Business Review, Studies in Science of Science, etc.. He has presided over the completion of six National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), one Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project for the Ministry of Education, one Shanghai Key Research Project of Soft Science, and one Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Project.

Dr. He's lectures for undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students mainly include Strategic Management, Performance Management, Corporate Governance, New Institutional Economics, Modern Enterprise Theory, Behavioral Decision Theory and so on. He is the chief editor of Performance Management, a national planning textbook for general higher education during the 11th five-year plan period, and presided over the Construction of a Key Course in Shanghai. He is also the chief editor of three school-level high-quality textbooks, Fundamentals of Management, Human Resource Management and Modern Enterprise Theory. Among them, Human Resource Management won the first prize of Excellent Textbook Award of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2016.

Dr. He has been invited many times to deliver keynote speeches at conferences of domestic and foreign societies. In 2010, he was invited to attend the IFERA(The International Family Enterprise Research Academy) to give a conference report. He delivered a guest lecture at the Cross-strait Economic and Management Symposium 2012. From 2007 to 2018, he was the guest speaker for the International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Family Business(ISEFB) for 10 consecutive years. In 2016, he served as the special host of China Forum of Strategic Management Scholar, and as the principal person in charge, he organized the Sino-US trade war Forum in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He organized Singapore Management University-Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Global Forum 2018. In 2019, he organized the annual meeting of China Management Scholars Swap (CMSW) as the principal person in charge. What’s more, He has been interviewed many times by China Daily, Tencent, Wen Hui Po, Urban Express and other media on the competitiveness of private owned enterprises.

Dr. He is currently the peer review expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation of China. He is also the evaluation expert of Provincial and Municipal Excellent Dissertation Selection by the degree center of the Ministry of Education and the evaluation expert of Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China. He is an expert in the “subject assessment” communication assessment of the center for academic and graduate education development of the Ministry of Education, and an expert of the National Textbook Committee. He is he first council member of "entrepreneurship and SME management professional committee" of China management modernization research association;He is also the editorial board of management quarterly and the member of the editorial board of Eastern Management column for Foreign Economics and Management. At the same time, he was also a reviewer of such important journals as Journal of Management Studies, Economic Research Journal, Management World, Journal of Management Sciences in China, China Industrial Economics, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Nankai Business Review, Chinese Journal of Management, South China Journal of Economics, Journal of Business Economics, R&D Management, Chinese Review of Financial Studies etc.

Dr. He twice won the third prize of “Excellent Achievements in Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science”(2006, 2008), twice won the second prize of “Excellent Achievements in Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science” (2018), and won the “Emerald Outstanding Paper Award”(2011), “Special Award of Shenyin Wanguo”(2008), “Second Academic Nomination Award of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics”(2013) and the “Excellent Teacher Award of Baosteel Education Fund”(2016). He has won the title of "Scientific Research Pacesetter of Shanghai University of Finance and economics" (2007, 2009) and the “Zhongzhen Research Paper Award” (2005, 2008, 2010, 2014) for many times.He has trained 95 graduate students, including 22 doctoral students. Among the students he trained, 45 published high-quality academic papers, of which 92 were published by authoritative journals (24 by authoritative A and 68 by authoritative B), and 49 Participationd in important international and domestic academic seminars. At present, one master's degree candidate has won the “Excellent Master's Thesis Award of Shanghai”, one doctoral student has won the “Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award of Shanghai”, two doctoral students have won the title of “Excellent graduate of Shanghai”, and one has been supported by the grant of IACMR division proposal. What’s more, there are four times for doctoral students to attend AOM meeting.

Dr. He's major academic contributions are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) He introduced entrepreneur ability into resource-based theory, pointed out the importance of entrepreneur ability and entrepreneur team capital for obtaining sustainable competitive advantage in enterprise competition, which expanded resource-based theory to a certain extent, and the empirical research method he adopted became an important reading matter for many Chinese scholars to study; (2) He put forward an index system to measure the dynamic capability of Chinese enterprises, which greatly promoted the development of capability theory and was of great theoretical and practical significance for Chinese scholars to further understand the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises; (3)He discussed the internal governance of family members earlier, and successively proposed the important governance concepts such as power concentration, power deviation, family harmony, family authority and so on, which enriched the agency theory. What’s more, the kinship and family member composition he proposed have become an important basis for redefining family enterprises, which is of great theoretical value in answering the debate on whether family governance is effective or not; (4)He included unethical behavior and innovative activities into the theoretical model of company risky decision, especially the influence of family-controlling on corporate risk-taking behavior; (5) He analyzed the current situation of peasants entrepreneurship in China from the perspective of informal system, especially the authority of village chiefs, village tyrant and rural population movement.


1.  Chinese Ministry of Education  “New Century Excellent Talents in University”, 2008, ¥200,000.

2.  “Twilight Scholar Program of Shanghai” , 2007, ¥50,000.

3.  Best Paper Award.

He Xiaogang, Li Xinchun. Entrepreneurial Competence and Enterprises Growth: An Empirical Study in China, Economic Research Journal, 2005(10):101-111.Awarded by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Office in 2006.

4.  Best Paper Award.

He Xiaogang, Li Xinchun, Fang Haiying. Measuring and Efficiency of Dynamic Capabilities: An Empirical Study in China, Management World, 2006(3):94-103, 113, 117.Awarded by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Office in 2008.

5.  Best Paper Award.

He Xiaogang, Deng Hao, Lv Feifei, Li Xinchun, Dynamic Relationship between Negative Attainment Discrepancy and R&D Investments: Moderating Effect of Organizational Slack and Competitive Threat, Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2017(5):13-34.Awarded by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Office in 2018.

6.  Best Paper Award.

Ge Fei, He Xiaogang, Manufacturing or Capital Investment? The Flow of International Venture Capital for Chinese Industrial Enterprises: An Explanation Based on Institutional Distance, Management World, 2017(11):18-31.Awarded by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Office in 2018.


1. Entrepreneurial Ability and Transition Mechanism of Entrepreneurial Enterprises, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), No.70502019, 2005.

2. Family Authority and Mechanism of the Growth of the Private Owned Enterprise, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), No.70872065, 2008.

3. Family Structure, Organizational Behavior and Growth Mechanism of Private Owned Enterprises, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71172140, 2012.

4. Family Aspirations, Investment Decisions and Growth Mechanism of private Owned enterprise, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71372037, 2014.

5. Family Tie, Behavior Choice of Decisions and Mechanism of the Growth of private Owned Enterprises, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71672105, 2016.

6. Family Control and Enterprise Competition Behavior, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71972121, 2019.

7. The Relationship between Authoritative Governance and Competitiveness of Private Owned Enterprises in China, Humanities and Social Sciences Research program for the Ministry of Education, No.08JA630048, 2008.

8. Family Harmony and Growth Mechanism of Private Owned Enterprises, General Topics of Social Science Planning in Shanghai, No.2011BGL007, 2011.

9. The Application of "Innovation Scoreboard" in the Evaluation of Regional Innovation Ability, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, No.07SG41, 2007.

10. Report on the Development of Family Wealth Management in China, Qingdao Financial Work Office, 2015.

11. Rural e-commerce in China, Research Report, 2016.

12. The Current Situation of Rural Entrepreneurship in China, Chinese Thousand Village Survey, 2016.

13. Textbook Construction Project of National Planning for the 11th Five Year Plan of General Higher Education ,Performance Management, 2008.

14. Adaptation of Management textbook, 2013.

15. Adaptation of Human Resource Management textbook, 2015, Total foundation:¥50,000.

16. Adaptation of Modern Enterprise Theory textbook, 2016, Total foundation:¥50,000.

17. The Curriculum Construction Project of freshmen: Behavioral Decision Theory, 2014.

18. The Senior Curriculum Construction Project of College Students: Corporate Governance, 2015.

19. The Construction Project of Teaching Reform for postgraduate: Academic Thesis Writing and Vocational Development Teaching, 2018.

20. The Key Course Construction of Shanghai: Modern Enterprise Theory, 2018.


1.He Xiaogang, Rural Management and the Status of Peasants Entrepreneurship in China, Peking University Press, 2020.

2.He Xiaogang, Fan Xinqiao, Zeng Mingye. Chinese Rural E-commerce Entrepreneurship Operation and Case Study, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2018.

3.He Xiaogang. A Survey Research on Districts’ Innovation in Shanghai, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2010.

4.He Xiaogang. The Relationship among Entrepreneurial Competence, Organizational Competence and Performance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006.

5.Ma Su, He Xiaogang. Venturing Winner, SUN-YAT-SEN UNIVERSIITY PRESS, 2005.

6.He Xiaogang, Li Jing. Corporate Theory: Microeconomics of Entrepreneurial Enterprise Market and Organizational Biochemistry, Shanghai Gezhi Publishing Company, 2014.

7.He Xiaogang, Liu Lijun, Zeng Mingye. Theories of The Firms, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2016. 【The Key Course Construction of Shanghai in 2017.】

8.He Xiaogang, Liu Lijun. Human Resource Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2015. 【The first prize of Excellent Textbook Award of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2016.】

9.He Xiaogang. Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2013.

10.He Xiaogang. Performance Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2008. (National planning textbook for the 11th Five-year Plan of General Higher Education subsidized by Chinese Ministry of Education)


1、 贺小刚、吕斐斐、王博霖、杨昊:《制度环境与新创企业的经营效率》,《中国经济问题》,2019录用.

2、 贺小刚、彭屹、王辛楠、杨婵:《生命周期影响到公司社会责任披露?来自上市公司的数据分析》, 《管理学报》,2019,第7期,1-18.

3、 贺小刚、吕斐斐、邓浩、朱丽娜:《创业者缘何退出?基于制度环境的视角》,《南开管理评论》, 2019,第5期.

4、 Li, X.Q., He, X.G., Yifeng, Zhang. The Impact of Social Media on the Business Performance of Small Firms in China, Information Technology for Development, forth coming.

5、 吕斐斐,贺小刚,朱丽娜,李新春:《家族期望落差与创业退出:基于中国数据的分析》, 《管理科学学报》,2019(6):36-56.

6、 粟芳、贺小刚、杨婵:《正规融资还是非正规融资?农户创业的融资选择与约束》,《经济与管理研究》,2019.

7、 贺小刚:博士研究生培养中的职业规划与自我淘汰机制,《上海管理科学》,2019,第4期,115-123.

8、 杨婵,贺小刚:《村长权威与村落发展——基于中国千村调查的数据分析》,《管理世界》,2019.4,90-108.

9、 杨昊、贺小刚、杨婵:《异地创业、家庭支持与经营效率》,《经济管理》,2019,第2期,36-54.

10、 杨婵,贺小刚,贾植涵:《非生产性投入改进了新创企业的经营效率?——来自中国的经验证据》,《外国经济与管理》,2019,第1期.57-72.

11、 杨婵,贺小刚,徐荣慈:《“创一代-至亲”组合治理模式与企业绩效——基于中国家族上市公司的实证研究》,《经济管理》,2018(6):17-37.

12、 胡强 、曹柬 、 贺小刚 、 周根贵:《基于政府补贴的制造企业生产战略决策研究》,《管理工程学报》 , 2017 , 31 (1) :111-117.

13、 杨婵,贺小刚,李征宇:《家庭结构与农民创业——基于中国千村调查的数据分析》,《中国工业经济》,2017(12):170-188.

14、 李婧,贺小刚:《创始人身份与组织能力的培育:来自创业家族企业的数据》,《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2017.11.6:109~121.

15、 吕斐斐,邓艳宾、贺小刚:《家族期望与创业坚持:参考点影响效应研究》,《南开管理评论》,2017,5,41-68.

16、 葛菲,贺小刚:《生产制造还是资本投资?中国工业企业国际创业资本的流向—基于制度距离的解释》,《管理世界》,2017,11:18-31.【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文奖二等奖】

17、 朱丽娜、贺小刚、贾植涵:《“穷困”促进了企业的创新投入?——环境不确定性与产权保护力度的调节效应》,《经济管理》,2017,11,67-84.

18、 杨婵;贺小刚;朱丽娜;王博霖:《垂直薪酬差距与新创企业的创新精神》,《财经研究》,2017年07期 32-44,69页.

19、 贺小刚、朱丽娜、杨婵、王博霖:《经营困境下的企业变革:穷则思变假说检验》,《中国工业经济》,2017,1:135-154.

20、 贺小刚,邓浩,吕斐斐,李新春:《期望落差与企业创新的动态关系:冗余资源与竞争威胁调节效应的研究》,《管理科学学报》,2017,20(5):13-34.【该文获得上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文奖二等奖】被“中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用:《创新政策与管理》,2017,11期,87-104.

21、 邓浩、贺小刚、肖玮凡:《亲缘关系与家族企业的高管变更——基于有限利他主义的解释》,《经济管理》,2016,38(10):66-86.

22、 贺小刚,朱丽娜,邓浩,张远飞:《家族控制与对外合作:基于中国民营上市公司的实证研究》,《管理学季刊》,2016(1)03:32-59.

23、 贺小刚、连燕玲、吕斐斐、葛菲:《消极反馈与企业家创新:基于民营上市公司的实证研究》,《南开管理评论》,2016,3:145-156,177.

24、 葛菲、连燕玲、贺小刚:《消极反馈与高管变更:基于上市公司的数据分析》,《经济管理》,2016,38(1):38-50.

25、 贺小刚,朱丽娜:《地方官员更替与创业精神:来自省级经验的证据》,《中山大学学报》,2016,56(3):194-208.

26、 贺小刚,连燕玲,吕斐斐:《期望差距与企业家的风险决策偏好——基于中国家族上市公司的数据分析》,《管理科学学报》,2016.19(8):1-20.

27、 李婧,贺小刚,连燕玲,吕斐斐:《业绩驱动、市场化进程与家族企业创新精神》《管理评论》,管理评论.2016,28(1):96-108.

28、 贺小刚,李婧,张远飞,连燕玲:《创业家族的共同治理有效还是无效?——基于中国家族上市公司的实证研究》,《管理评论》,2016,28卷(6):150-161.

29、 He, X.G., Karri,R., Zhang, Y.F., Mei, L., 2016. “Executive Entrenchment in Founder-Managed Firms: An Empirical Study from China”, Journal of Small Business Management, Volume 54, Issue 3:Pages 851–870.

30、 Li, X.G., and He, X.G., 2015. Acceptance analysis of mobile internet in China, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 13(4):398-414.

31、 葛菲,贺小刚,吕菲菲:《基于FDI的“走出去”战略改进了组织生存能力吗?》,《外国经济与管理》,2015,37(10):32-45.

32、 连燕玲,周兵,贺小刚,温丹玮:《经营期望、管理自主权与战略变革》,《经济研究》,2015年第8期,31-44.

33、 贺小刚,邓浩,吴诗雨,梁鹏: 赶超压力与公司的败德行为——来自中国上市公司的数据分析,《管理世界》,2015,9: 104-124.

34、 贺小刚,邓浩,吴诗雨,梁鹏: 赶超压力与公司的败德行为——来自中国上市公司的数据分析,《管理世界》,2015,9: 104-124.被《中国人民大学复印资料》引用,投资与证券,2016,48-72.

35、 Wu, L.-Z., Kwan, H. K., Yim, F. H.-K., Chiu, R. K., & He, X. 2015. CEO ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(4): 819-831.

36、 吕斐斐,贺小刚,葛菲:《期望差距与创始人离任方式选择:基于中国家族上市公司的分析》,《财经研究》,2015,41(7):68-80.

37、 贺小刚,李婧,吕斐斐,邓浩:《绩优企业的投机经营行为分析:来自中国上市公司的数据检验》,《中国工业经济》,2015,5:110-121.

38、 胡强,曹柬,贺小刚,周根贵:《不对称信息下政府与回收处理企业激励契约设计》,《软科学》,2014,28(10):27-31.

39、 葛菲,贺小刚,吕菲菲:《组织下滑与国际化选择:产权与治理的调节效应研究》,《经济管理》,2015年,Vol.37,第6期:43-55.

40、 连燕玲、贺小刚:《CEO开放性特征、战略惯性和组织绩效——基于中国上市公司的实证分析》,《管理科学学报》,2015,第1期,1-19.

41、 李婧;贺小刚: 《企业家团队金融资本与企业创新绩效关系研究》,《科技管理研究》,2014,01期,201-207.

42、 连燕玲、贺小刚、高皓:《业绩期望差距与企业战略调整——基于中国上市公司的实证研究》,《管理世界》,2014,11期,119-132.

43、 Wu, L.-Z., Zhang, H., Chiu, R. K., Kwan, H. K., & He, X. 2014. Hostile attribution bias and negative reciprocity beliefs exacerbate incivility’s effects on interpersonal deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(2): 189-199.

44、 贺小刚,吕斐斐,张远飞:《业绩驱动、市场化进程与民营企业家活动配置》,《经济管理》,2013,8:92-103.为”中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《企业管理研究》2014年第1期.

45、 张远飞,贺小刚,连燕玲:《危机冲击、损失规避与家族大股东支持效应》,《财经研究》,2013,39(7):122-133.

46、 张远飞,贺小刚,连燕玲:《富则思安吗?--基于中国民营上市公司实证分析》,《管理世界》,2013,7,130-144.

47、 贺小刚,张远飞,连燕玲:《经营期望与家族内部的权威配置——基于中国上市公司的数据分析》,《管理科学学报》,2013.4:63-82.

48、 贺小刚、张远飞、梅琳:《创始人离任对企业成长的影响分析》,《管理学报》,2013,vol.10 (6):816-823.

49、 贺小刚:《家族治理:有效还是无效?》,《北大商业评论》,2013,3,66-71.

50、 贺小刚,张远飞,连燕玲,吕斐斐:《政治关联与企业价值——民营企业与国有企业的比较分析》,《中国工业经济》,2013,1,103-115. 被“中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《企业管理研究》2013年第6期,60-72.

51、 吴旭云;贺小刚;郝影利:《创业导向、网络嵌入与创业型企业成长关系研究》,科技进步与对策,2013,2,1-7.

52、 连燕玲、贺小刚、张远飞、周兵:《危机冲击、大股东“管家角色”与企业绩效——基于中国上市公司的实证分析》,《管理世界》,2012年第9期,142-155.

53、 李婧、贺小刚:《股权集中度与创新绩效:国有企业与家族企业的比较》,《商业经济与管理》,2012.10:40-51.

54、 贺小刚、张远飞、连燕玲:《高管离任前的盈余管理:公司治理机制能起到作用吗?》,《经济管理》,2012年第11期,113-124.

55、 李婧,贺小刚:《高管团队中的家族权威与创新能力——以家族上市公司为视角》,《管理学报》,2012,第9期,1314-1322.

56、 Li, X., Atul Agarwal, A., Hadidi, R., and He, X. Quality analysis of online health information in China, India and the USA, Int. J. Healthcare Technology and Management, 2012. Vol. 13,117-138[ABI] [CTP]

57、 贺小刚,张远飞:《上市公司创始人涉入情景下高管离任的实证研究》,《经济管理》,2012,5.

58、 梅琳,贺小刚、李婧:《创始人渐进退出还是激进退出?对创业家族企业的实证分析》,《经济管理》,2012,1:46-57.

59、 连燕玲,张远飞,贺小刚,梅琳:《亲缘关系与家族控制权的配置机制及效率:基于制度环境的解释》,《财经研究》,2012,vol.38(4):91-101.

60、 Goel.S, He, X., Karri, R. Family involvement in a hierarchical culture: Effect of dispersion of family ownership control and family member tenure on firm performance in Chinese family owned firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2011(2): 199–206.

61、 连燕玲,贺小刚,张远飞:《家族权威配置机理与功效——来自我国家族上市公司的经验证据》,《管理世界》,2011,第11期,106-119.

62、 贺小刚,燕琼琼,梅琳,李婧:《创始人离任中的权力交接模式与企业成长——基于我国上市公司的实证研究》,《中国工业经济》,2011,10:98-108.

63、 李婧、贺小刚:《控制性股东与CEO的亲缘关系对企业技术创新能力的影响》,《科技管理研究》,2011.08,31卷(234期),148-155.

64、 贺小刚,李新春,连燕玲,《家族成员的权力集中度与企业绩效:对家族上市公司的研究》,《管理科学学报》,2011,5,86-96.

65、 He, X.G., Wang, Z.X., Mei, L., Lian, Y.l. The impact of founder turnover on firm performance: an empirical study in China, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2010, pp. 148-164.

66、 贺小刚,李婧,陈蕾:《家族成员组合与公司治理效率:基于家族上市公司的实证研究》,《南开管理评论》,2010,6,149-160.

67、 贺小刚,李新春,连燕玲,张远飞:《家族内部的权力偏离及其对治理效率的影响——对家族上市公司的研究》,《中国工业经济》,2010.9.10,96-106.被中国人民大学资料中心《企业管理研究》引用,2011.2.pp.84-101.

68、 李婧,贺小刚, 茆键: 《亲缘关系、创新能力与企业绩效》,《南开管理评论》,2010年03期,117-124.

69、 贺小刚、连燕玲、张远飞:《家族内部权力集中度、偏离度与治理效率——基于家族上市公司的实证研究》,上海市经济学会编《学术年刊》(2010),格致出版社、上海人民出版社,p381-395.

70、 贺小刚,连燕玲,李婧,苗藤藤:《家族权威的配置效应分析与实证检验》,财经研究,2010,10 ,122-132.

71、 贺小刚,《企业原动力、市场力与竞争绩效关系的实证研究》,《软科学》,2010年第7期,93-100,105.

72、 贺小刚、连燕玲、李婧、梅琳:《家族控制中的亲缘效应分析与检验》,《中国工业经济》,2010年第1期,135-146.

73、 贺小刚,连燕玲,余冬兰,《家族和谐与企业可持续成长:基于家族权力配置的视角》,《经济管理》,2010年第1期,50-60.

74、 Jing LI, Xiao-gang HE, The Influence of Kinship between CEO and Controlling Owner on Innovative Competence, Proceeding of The Second China Private Economy Innovation International Forum, The American Scholars Press, 2009.pp.266-270, ISTP.

75、 贺小刚,连燕玲:《家族权威与企业价值:基于家族上市公司的实证研究》,《经济研究》,2009年第4期.90-102.为”中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《企业管理研究》2009.7,74-86.

76、 贺小刚、隋心:《员工外派的绩效评测与功效:一个社会调查的结果》,《软科学》,2008年第10期,122-126.

77、 贺小刚、李婧、宋宇、李新春:《经营能力、协调治理与企业绩效:基于中国数据的实证研究》,《南开管理评论》,2008年第6期,48-53.

78、 贺小刚,李婧:《自主创新能力的培育:基于公司治理和组织学习的设想》,《未来与发展》,2008年第10期,32-36、

79、 贺小刚,肖红敏:《绩效评测与组织效率的关系研究》,《科技管理研究》,2008年第11期,171-174.

80、 贺小刚,李琳曼:《企业空白地带的绩效改进设计》,《经济管理》,2008年第3期,46-50.被”中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《企业管理研究》2008年第5期.

81、 贺小刚、沈瑜,《创业型企业成长:基于企业家团队资本的实证研究》,《管理世界》,2008年第1期,30-37.被”中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《企业管理研究》2008年第6期.

82、 贺小刚,《企业家能力、努力及其功效:国有企业与民营企业比较》,《科学·经济·社会》,2007年第4期,42-47,51.

83、 傅慧、文斌、贺小刚:《企业竞争力的源泉:基于企业家精神的分析》,学术研究,2007年第12期,63-67.

84、 贺小刚、李新春、连燕玲:《家族权威与企业绩效:基于广东中山市家族企业的经验研究》,《南开管理评论》,2007年第5期.75-81.该文为”中国人民大学书报资料中心”引用,《民营经济与中小企业管理》2008.1.

85、 连燕玲,沈瑜,贺小刚:《世界各国(地区)创新能力评测体系与管理》,《中国科技论坛》,2007年,第10期,133-13.

86、 贺小刚、沈瑜:《创业型企业成长理论: 基于企业家团队资本的视角》,《外国经济与管理》,2007年第12期,30-37.

87、 贺小刚、李新春:《家族控制的困境:基于广东中山市家族企业的实证研究》,《学术研究》,2007年第4期,25-30.

88、 贺小刚,连燕玲,沈瑜:《企业家类型、策略选择与企业绩效》,《中大管理研究》,2007年第1期,46-62.

89、 贺小刚,《战略人力资源管理与高科技企业核心能力的关系研究》,《科研管理》,2007年第1期,132-139.

90、 贺小刚,《核心能力理论的拓展:企业家能力与竞争绩效的关系研究》,《科研管理》,2007年第4期,141-148.

91、 贺小刚,《社会调查法在战略管理理论中的应用》,《科学学研究》,2007年第2期,274-280.

92、 贺小刚、乔茵,连燕玲,《企业家的退出行为与企业的可持续成长》,《中国人力资源开发》,2007年,第3期,10-13.

93、 贺小刚,《企业家能力与企业成长:能力理论的拓展模型》,《科技进步与对策》,2006年第9期,45-48.

94、 贺小刚、沈瑜、连燕玲,《企业家社会关系与高科技企业的成长》,《经济管理》,2006年第15期,47-50.

95、 贺小刚、韩娟、沈阳、丁欣:《转型期的企业集体跳槽现状与动机》,《中国人力资源开发》,2006年第6期,58-63.

96、 贺小刚,李新春,方海鹰,《动态能力的测量与功效:基于中国经验的实证研究》,《管理世界》,2006年第3期,94-103,113,171.该文获得“上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果”三等奖(2008).

97、 贺小刚,《企业的经营力及其功效》,《经济管理》,2005年第19期,24-28

98、 卢伟航,贺小刚,《彭罗斯企业成长内生论及其现实意义》,《南方经济》,2005年第1期,78-81.

99、 贺小刚,《组织能力的源泉:企业家能力及个体特征分析》,《经济管理》,2005年第1期,8-15.

100、 贺小刚,《企业家能力评测:一个定性研究的方法与框架》,《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》,2005年的6期,75-80.

101、 贺小刚,李新春,《企业家能力与企业成长:基于中国经验的实证研究》,《经济研究》,2005年第10期,101-111. 该文获得“上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果”三等奖(2006).

102、 贺小刚,李新春,《资源的异质性、同质性与绩效关系研究——以我国医药类上市公司为例》,《南开管理评论》,2004年第2期,23-29.

103、 贺小刚,《企业战略业务退出的时机选择》,《经济管理》,2003年第4期,22-27

104、 贺小刚,《国外管理者收购理论综述》,《当代财经》,2002年第7期,61-65.

105、 贺小刚,《管理者收购:国外现状、研究及其在中国的发展》,《改革》,2002年第4期,54-62.

106、 贺小刚,《企业持续竞争优势的资源观阐释》,《南开管理评论》,2002年第4期,32-37.

107、 贺小刚,《企业可持续竞争优势》,《经济管理》,2002年第14期,4-12.

108、 贺小刚,《论信任、资源与持续竞争优势》,《外国经济与管理》,2002年第8期,9-15.

109、 贺小刚,《论业务退出与企业可持续成长》,《外国经济与管理》,2001年第9期,21-25.

110、 贺小刚,《所有者财务:内部人控制机制的解读》,《福州大学学报》(社哲版),2001年第3期,106-109.

111、 贺小刚,《试论我国上市公司职工持股计划的建立》,《改革》,2000年第3期,26-33.

112、 贺小刚,《业务退出的动力机制》,《南开管理评论》,2000年第6期,38-42.

113、 贺小刚,《试论企业业务退出模式的建立》,《外国经济与管理》,2000年第10期,21-25.


1. Xiaogang He, Lin Mei, Yuanfei Zhang, Tengteng Miao,Lei Chen. Exploring the Impact of Founder Turnover on Firm Growth in China:A Comparison between Family Business and Non-Family Business, Paper presented at the IFERA (the International Family Enterprise Research Academy) Conference, 2010, Zhuhai, China.

2. Sanjay Goel , Xiaogang He, Ranjan Karri. Effect Of Dispersion Of Family Ownership Control, And Family Member Tenure And Position On Firm Performance In Chinese Family Owned Firms, IACMR,2010,Shanghai, China.

3. Feifei Lu, Xu Huang, Erica Xu, and Xiaogang He. Instrumental Love: Political Marriage and the Performance of Family Firms, Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2016, No. 1 Published Online: 30 Nov 2017

4. Dali Ma, Xiaogang He, Chan Yang. Decaying State, Crumbling Society: Illicit Violence and Private Business in Rural China, 2019 AOM Annual Meeting Program.

5. Xixi Kang, Xiaogang He, Tieying Yu, Albert A. Cannella, Are Family Firms More Innovative? Family Firms and Exploitative versus Exploratory Innovation, 2019 SMS Annual Conference Minneapolis.

6. Renfei Gao, Xiaogang He, Zhengyu Li. Strategy Specificity as a Commitment to Long-Term Strategic Goal: Temporal Distinction of Multiple Goals and Effects on Strategic Risk Taking, 2019 AOM Annual Meeting Program.

7. Xu, F., He, X.G., Yang, X.R. A Contextualized Model of Entrepreneur Well-Being: Evidence from Rural Chinese Entrepreneurs, submitted to International Small Business Journal, 2018.

8. Lyu, F.F., He, X.G. Chinese family aspirations in family firms: Construct clarification and development of a reliable metric, Submitted to Management and Organization Review, 2018.

9. Lyu, F.F., He, X.G., Kwan, H.K.K., Ma, B. Carrying the Past into the Future: The Effects of CEOs’Temporal Focus on Succession Planning in Family Firms, submitted to Family Business Review, 2018.

10. He, X.G.,Yang, C., Karri, R. Wining-and-dining, Protection of Property Right and New Venture Growth: Evidence from Chinese Firms, submitted to Journal of Small Business Management, 2019.