运营管理系学术报告:Optimal Dynamic Assignment of a Flexible Server into Two Heterogeneous M/M/1 Queues in Non-Preemptive Service Discipline

题目:Optimal Dynamic Assignment of a Flexible Server into Two Heterogeneous M/M/1 Queues in Non-Preemptive Service Discipline

时间:10月18日 10:00-11:30


演讲者:Youyi Feng, Professor, Sichuan University

摘要:This paper studies effective server assignment for a queuing system of two parallel heterogeneous M/M/1 queues. Each queue is attended by a dedicate server with a specific service rate. A flexible server however can be assigned to either queue based on the congestion levels of both queues. Customers are served by a non-preemptive discipline. Such a model with heterogeneous dedicated and flexible servers is motivated by a practical problem of allocating hospital beds between two types of patients (called daily and selective patients) and has not been addressed in the queueing literature.  Our focus is on characterizing the structure of optimal assignment policies for the flexible server in the two-channel queuing systems. The analysis can be extended to similar queuing systems with multiple switchable servers. In addition, via the determination of the optimal assignment policy, we reveal that a modified mu c rule is still valid for the dynamic non-preemptive queuing setting.