Defense Arrangement in The first half of 2019

Master Degree Thesis Arrangement of International Students(Grade 2017)

College of Business

Nov, 2018

According to the teaching plan, international students should begin their thesis writing by the second academic year of the master degree program. For students of grade 2017, the schedule of thesis proposal, pre-defense and final defense is listed as follows.


1. Thesis Proposal

(1) Finish the proposal and have it confirmed and signed by your supervisor before Sep. 30th.

(2) The proposal template can be downloaded from attachments (Download the attachments at the bottom of the page.)

(3) The oral defense of the proposal will be held in late October. Everyone need to bring 1 "Thesis Proposal From" and 3 "Outline of Thesis Proposal" , 4 documents.(The  "Thesis Proposal From" must be signed by your supervisor.Finish the "Outline of Thesis Proposal" and have it confirmed by your supervisor.) (The exact date will be noticed later.)

(4) After Thesis Proposal, before November 30, 2018, the students who passed Thesis Proposal uploaded the final revised "Outline of Thesis Proposal" to the Teaching Management Information System(eams website).Log in the eams, find “Thesis” on the left column, click "1开题"→click "enter application "→submit relevant information and upload "Outline of Thesis Proposal" document.


2. Writing standards

For detailed thesis writing standards please refer to Graduate School Website: attachment)


3. Pre-defense

(1) Everyone is going to participate in the pre-defense, please hand in the cover (see attachment) signed by your supervisor and three copies of your paper to Room 205, COB Building before February 28th, 2019.

(2) The pre-defense will be held in early March 2019. (The precise details will be noticed later.)Three professors of your major (not including your supervisor) will attend the pre-defense as the reviewers. Please prepare the slides for a maximum 5 minute presentation.

(3) Students should revise their thesis on the basis of the pre-defense feedback, and at the  same time meet the requirement of their supervisors.


4. Anti-plagiarism

(1) Email a digital version of your final thesis, confirmed by your supervisor, to before March 28, 2019. This email must be copied to your supervisor's email at the same time. Uncopied mail is unacceptable. Only PDF version is acceptable, others are prohibited. It is for the anti-plagiarism test.

(2) The name of the PDF file should follow the “student ID-name-major-name of supervisor” format. So does the subject of the email.

Everyone please hand in the "Anti-plagiarism Consent" (see attachment) signed by your supervisor to Room 205, COB Building before March 28th, 2019.

The test results will be sent back to your by e-mail. Please strictly follow the “Anti-Plagiarism Policy of SUFE. Thesis with repetitive rate above 30% will be reviewed by the Degree Committee of COB. If identified as plagiarism, students will be punished by “Academic Integrity Policies of SUFE”.


5. Anonymous Evaluation

Students who have passed the anti-plagiarism test must participate in the anonymous evaluation requested by Graduate School before April 3, 2019. (The precise details will be noticed later.)


6. Thesis submission for final defense (Before April 26, 2019)

(1) Log in the “Teaching Management Information System” and apply for the final defense and the degree.

i. Find “Thesis” on the left column, click "2论文答辩"  click "enter application "  submit relevant information and upload papers;

ii. Find “Graduation and Degree” on the left column, click “apply for degree” click “submit application”/

(2) Submit printed version of the thesis

Hand over three copies of anonymous defense thesis (without personal and supervisor information) to Room 205, COB Building, before April 26, 2019.

Requirement: Paper Size - A4, double-sided printing, bound with the official cover(The cover is green for the master).

Printing Place: Printing Factory (No. 777, Guoding Road, behind the Red-tile building and beside the garage, Tel: 65904527)

(3) Download the attachments at the bottom of the page. You have to fill them out on the computer and print on A4 paper, single-sided.

i. S2. Master degree thesis review form (see attachment, 2 copies)

Note: The self-assessment part must be filled in.

ii. S3. Degree application and audit form (see attachment, 2 copies)

Note: Affix your photo on the form. The supervisor should fill the comments section. Both the student and the supervisor should sign on the form.

iii. S4.Voting criteria and evaluation criteria for S4. Master's Thesis Defense Committee (see attachment, 3 copies)

Note: The title and the name should be filled in.

iv. S5. Conference record of Defense (see attachment, single-sided, 1 copies each)

Resolution (Note: student must sign in the defendant’s column)

v. S6. 1 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics master degree information


Note: Complete the basic information and affix the photo.


7. Important information of the final defense

(1) Final defense date: Early May (specific schedule will be noticed later)

(2) The revised final thesis signed by both the student and the supervisor must be handed over to Room 205, COB Building within 10 days after the final defense.

(3) All students must login into the ‘Teaching Management Information System” for the application of degree, click “submit” and submit the final version of your thesis.

Important notes: If student fails the first defense, the re-defense should be postponed for at least three months. Please treat the thesis writing earnestly. Student should bear all the consequences if fail to obtain a diploma and a degree certificate.


The above matters are explained by the dean's office of the College of Business.
