和我一起enjoy? @SUFE MIB


Stepping off the plane in Shanghai, the humid air hit me like a warm embrace, whisking me into a world that felt worlds away from my hometown. The bustling streets, the melodic tones of Mandarin dancing through the air, the intoxicating smells of street food stalls - it was utterly enchanting and utterly disorienting all at once.This was to be my "sandbox" for the next few years as an international student at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). A sandbox to play, grow, stumble and flourish in ways I could have never imagined back home.

My living situation was amazing - a spacious room with my own balcony and kitchen in a dorm shared with international students from around the globe. My roommates eagerly shared their homeland's culinary traditions, walking me through recipes from their own cultures. Soon I was deftly chopping veggies for Thai curries, sautéing aromatic Indian lentil dals, or carefully folding dumplings using techniques from northern China. The kitchen became a cultural exchange and bonding zone.

I started investing in musical equipment, fueling my passion for music production. The city's vibrant music scene inspired me, and I was eager to create my own sounds. From synthesizers to drum machines, I gradually built a setup that allowed me to bring my musical ideas to life.Moreover, I took a significant step and started my own online business . The idea was born out of my experiences in Shanghai, where I witnessed the dynamic entrepreneurial spirit of the city. With careful planning and the financial cushion from my part-time job, I was able to turn this idea into a reality.


Living in Shanghai as an international student was a transformative experience, filled with cultural exchanges, personal growth, and self-discovery. I found financial independence through well-paying part-time jobs, allowing me to immerse myself fully in the city's vibrant culture, from exploring hidden gems to attending concerts and cultural events. The city's dynamic arts scene inspired me to pursue new hobbies, leading to my ventures into electronic music production and stand-up comedy. Most significantly, Shanghai pushed me out of my comfort zone, fostering self-learning and personal development in ways I could have never imagined.And at some point, Shanghai was no longer just a sandbox; it was a stage, a studio, a classroom, and a home. It was a city that challenged me, inspired me, and ultimately, helped me discover parts of myself I never knew existed.

Studying at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) is more than just an academic journey. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a diverse and dynamic environment that encourages personal growth and self-discovery. The university's prestigious reputation and rigorous coursework will challenge you intellectually. However, the experiences you'll gain outside the classroom are just as valuable.

So, if you're ready to step out of your comfort zone, embrace new challenges, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, I wholeheartedly encourage you to study at SUFE. The rewards are immeasurable, and the experiences you'll gain will stay with you for a lifetime.
